Subject Guides
- AAS: African American Studies
- Activism
- African Online Primary Sources
- African Studies
- Anthropology and Archaeology
- Appalachian Studies & Resources
- Art History
- Athens Mental Health Center
- Athletic Training, Exercise Physiology, & Physical Therapy
- Biological Sciences
- Buddhism
- Business & Economics
- Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
- Chemistry & Biochemistry
- Child & Family Studies
- Civil Engineering
- Classics
- Communication Studies
- Company Research
- Compendium of Open Access Resources on Southeast Asia
- Computer Science
- Consumer Research & Marketing
- Contemporary History
- Costume History
- COVID-19 Research
- Dance
- Databases for Business & Economics
- Diabetes Research
- Earth and Environmental Geosciences
- East Asian Studies
- Economics
- Electrical Engineering
- Engineering Technology and Management
- English Literature
- Entrepreneurship & New Business
- Environmental and Plant Biology
- Environmental Studies
- Evidence-based Practice in Healthcare
- Family and Consumer Science Education
- Film Studies
- Food, Nutrition, & Dietetics
- French Language and Literature
- Geography: Cartography, Remote Sensing and GIS
- Geography: Human Geography
- Geography: Physical Geography
- German Language and Literature
- Government Information
- Graphic Design
- Hearing, Speech and Language Sciences
- Higher Education Practitioners
- Hinduism
- History of the Atlantic Slave Trade
- Industrial and Systems Engineering
- Industry Research
- Instrument and Voice Guides
- Interdisciplinary Health Studies (BSIHS and Global Health)
- Interdisciplinary Health Studies Masters (MIHS) Program Guide
- Interior Architecture
- International Business
- International Development Studies
- Italian Language and Literature
- Jazz History and Performance
- Jazz History and Performance
- Journalism
- Latin American Studies
- Law and Society
- Legal Resources
- Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Resource Guide
- LGBTQ Children's Books
- Library Orientation for International Students
- Linguistics
- Mathematics Education
- Mechanical Engineering
- Media Arts & Studies
- Music and Dance Library Orientation
- Music Education
- Music OER
- Music Research
- Music Special Collections
- Music Therapy
- Musical Theater
- Nursing
- Online Nursing Programs (RN-BSN, MSN, DNP)
- Opioid Crisis Research
- Physician Assistant
- Physics and Astronomy
- Political Science
- Psychology
- Public Administration
- Research in Education
- Retail and Fashion Merchandising: RFM
- Social & Public Health
- Social Work
- Sociology
- Southeast Asian Studies
- Spanish Language and Literature
- Sports Administration & Sport Management
- Sports Sponsorship & Marketing
- Studio Art
- Sustainability
- Thai Language & Thai Studies
- Theater Research
- Tourism & Hospitality
- TV & Radio Broadcast Transcripts
- Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
- World Religions
- Zanesville Campus - Education
Course Guides
- AAS 2540: African American Studies
- ANTH 4620/5620: Human Rights in Northern Ireland
- BIOS 4730/5730 Animal Behavior
- CHEM 3090: Organic Chemistry Lab (Himmeldirk)
- CHEM 5200: Science Research Literature and Writing
- CLAR 2110: Greek Archaeology
- CLAR 2130: Near Eastern and Egyptian Archaeology
- CLWR 3310: Old Testament
- CLWR 3320: New Testament
- CLWR 3330/5330, CLWR 4330/5420 & CLWR 4340/5430 (Islamic Studies Research Guides)
- CLWR 3360: Theories of Religion
- COMS 1030: Public Speaking
- EDCT 6901: Workshop In Computer Education
- ENG 1510: Composition & Rhetoric - *(e-campus)
- ENG 1510: Composition & Rhetoric - Athens Campus
- ENG 1510: Writing and Rhetoric I
- ENG 2800: Writing and Research
- ENG 3060: Women and Writing
- ENG 3070: Jane Austen & 18TH Century
- GLC 2010: Global Leadership Center
- HIST 2000: US History, 1600-1877
- HIST 3002: Colonial British North America
- HIST 3008/5008: Early United States Republic
- HIST 3081: History of the Civil War and its Aftermath
- HIST 3111J: Historical Research and Writing
- HIST 3390/5390: Women in African History
- HIST 3410/ HIST 5410: History of Africa to 1850
- HIST 3411: History of Africa since 1850
- HIST 3465/5465: History of U.S. China Relations
- HIST 5715: Sex, Crime, and Deviance in Europe, 1200-1800
- HLTH: 2000/2020/2901 & BIOS: 1030
- JOUR 2311: Multiplatform Reporting & Writing
- JOUR 3400: Strategic Communication Theory and Research
- LING 2750: Food, Language and Culture
- MDIA 1010: The Evolution of Media
- ME 4701: Capstone Design
- ML 3270J: Translation as Writing
- PBIO 2180 Introduction to Biological Research and Writing
- POLS 1010: Politics in the United States
- POLS 2300: Democracies and Dictatorships Around the World
- POLS 2500: International Relations
- POLS 4065/5065: Public Opinion, Political Participation, and Protest.
- RFM 1600: Color Theory
- RFM 2150: Elementary Textiles
- RFM 3830: Product Development, Evaluation, and Distribution
- SASM 3760: Sport Facility and Event Management
- SOC 4950: Sexual Violence and Advocacy
General Resources
- Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- Citation Styles
- Evidence Synthesis Methods including Systematic Reviews (SRs)
- Fair Use and Creative Commons for Images
- Film and Media Resources
- HathiTrust Digital Library
- HathiTrust Research Center
- Library Research Process
- Newspapers
- ORCiD iD @Ohio University
- Plagiarism
- Research Data Literacy 101
- Research Data Management
- Research Data Repositories: Finding and Storing Data
- Researching with Archival & Special Collections Primary Source Materials
- Scholarly Research Impact
- Streaming Film Collections by Subject
- University Libraries Orientations
- Zotero