This guide provides an overview of select Appalachian materials and resources primarily available in the Mahn Center for Archives and Special Collections at Ohio University Libraries.
What do we mean by Appalachian?
The Appalachian Regional Commission defines Appalachia as "423 counties across 13 states and spans 206,000 square miles, from southern New York to northern Mississippi... [including] parts of Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Maryland, Mississippi, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia, and all of West Virginia."
The material available in Archives & Special Collections has a strong focus on Appalachia in Southeastern Ohio, West Virginia, and Kentucky.
Appalachian Studies is therefore the study of everything from the history and culture to the ecology and economics of all or select areas within the Appalachian geographic region.
Ohio University offers a Certificate in Appalachian Studies, read more about their approach and definitions on the program page.

Keep in mind that the materials listed throughout this guide are a starting place. More is available.
Begin by searching the ALICE catalog, exploring our Digital Archives, or completing a research request form.