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EDCT 6901: Workshop In Computer Education


Hello, and welcome to what will most assuredly be a bizarre Fall Semester! This web page is going to be a work in progress, with content added once I find out if there is anything in particular you would like to learn about. My intent is to provide asynchronous materials on this site, and then each of you will schedule a synchronous meeting to discuss the materials towards the end of the semester. 

Any assigned readings or other materials will either be openly available or accessible through the library's holdings.

In case you hadn't guessed it yet, or if we haven't worked together before on a literature review, I'm the librarian attached to the Patton College of Education. This workshop will explore issues related to libraries, all of which will revolve around technology or digital collections in some way. Our 'classes' will be created in such a way that you can complete them on your own time, but I will be setting deadlines periodically so that I don't get all your work at 11:58 PM on the last day of classes.

More coming your way soon.



Subjects: Education