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Diabetes Research

This guide is geared toward the osteopathic medical students, residents, clinical faculty, and others who are interested in researching diabetes and other endocrine diseases.


This subject guide contains information to assist those interested in diabetes and other endocrine diseases.  There are links that will directly take the user to specific databases, e-books, Internet resources, etc. to assist with research.  There are also feeds to current health information in the media as well as podcasts for perusal. 

This guide is never static.  Should you have ideas, suggestions, or comments about the content, please let me know.  I am always willing to tweak for the user's benefit.





PubMed logoPubMed comprises more than 25 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites.

Although PubMed is a free website from the federal government, please use the link provided here.  It will link you directly to the journal article if it is available to OU.

NLM Tutorials

The National Library of Medicine (NLM) has several online interactive tutorials for their databases.  I have listed the most-used tutorials here.  If you find another tutorial that would be of benefit to others, email me with the link, and I will take a look.

Tutorials Used Most Often