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Diabetes Research

This guide is geared toward the osteopathic medical students, residents, clinical faculty, and others who are interested in researching diabetes and other endocrine diseases.

Collections of e-Books

Below are links to several collections of online books that include titles of interest to diabetes researchers:

  • Access Medicine  access to more than 60 medical titles, thousands of images and illustrations, interactive self-assessment, case files, diagnostic tools, and the ability to download content to a mobile device.
  • ClinicalKey — an A-Z list of books in ClinicalKey
  • SpringerLink  — Provides researchers with access to millions of scientific documents from journals, books, series, protocols and reference works. You will need to register for an account; this will allow you only the content that is available to OU Athens.The two sections of Springerlink of most relevance to diabetes research are:
  • Subject search for Diabetes at the OhioLINK Electronic Book Center

The search boxes below—for our ALICE Catalog, OhioLINK, and WorldCat—provide access to all of the titles in the sources listed above, plus more not included in those collections. The results will include both printed and electronic books, and much else besides, such as videos.

ALICE Catalog, OhioLINK Catalog, and WorldCat

1. Start here: ALICE Library Catalog...

  • Includes: books, videos, magazine, journal, and newspaper titles, from ALL Ohio University campus libraries.
  • Does not include: individual articles from magazines, journals, and newspapers.
  • Look for Location, Call Number, and Status. AVAILABLE means it should be on the shelf, or readable online.

2. Can't find it in ALICE? Try OhioLINK...

  • Access to 50M+ items from around the state.
  • Quick, easy, and free borrowing; see table of borrowing information.
  • Use  the grey "request it" button from OHiolink get items from OhioLINK. Delivery usually within 3-4 days.*

*Please allow several additional days during COVID-limited operations. 

3. Can't even get it from OhioLINK? Try WorldCat...

  • Combined catalogs of thousands of libraries from around the world.
  • You cannot borrow directly in WorldCat; request books and media via Interlibrary Loan.

Limiting by Material Type in the ALICE Catalog

The screenshot below illustrates how to search our ALICE Catalog and then limit the results to particular formats of materials. You can, of course, use other limiters such as Language or Year. Searching ALICE for e-Books should allow you to find titles in all of the collections listed above, and other sources as well, all at one time.Sample screen of searching ALICE and limiting to material types

A note about e-Books in OhioLINK: If you search the OhioLINK Catalog (second tab above), you will probably find e-Books listed there that are not listed in ALICE. Due to licensing restrictions on e-Books, in most cases you will not be able to "borrow" them from the other libraries like you can printed books. All e-Books that Ohio University has access rights to are listed in our ALICE Catalog.