The purpose of this guide is to highlight and connect you to a variety of resources that will help you with your work here at Ohio University. If you have any questions or comments then you can email Hanna Schmillen at or visit our Get Help library page.
Have no idea where to start? ArticlesPlus will do the trick!
A scholarly resource is a resource that is written by an expert in their field. Some things on a scholarly resource, specifically a scholarly article, would be: publication information (what journal is this article from?), Author(s)’ names and affiliations, references/citations, and a general ‘formal’ appearance. May or may not have a DOI (digital object identification) number. See below or here!
A scholarly source is not always peer-reviewed or refereed. Peer-review means that the scholarly source has been reviewed by several peers before it has been published. This is not to say that scholarly articles are not reviewed before publication, but Peer-review normally means it was reviewed more diligently by other experts in the same field. You may have to check the journal’s website to REALLY know if it is peer-review.
Does Alden Library have this book? If so, is it a physical item or eBook? Where is it located? Can you find it on OhioLink to borrow from another library?
If Alden Library does not have this book, is it at a regional campus? Can you find it on OhioLink to borrow from another library?
Floor 1- Group study rooms, the Ohio University Press, and silent section for studying
Floor 2- Printers, Group study rooms, the Academic Achievement Center (AAC), the Help Desk, and Cafe Bibliotech (coffee!)
Floor 3- the Fine Arts section and the Faculty Commons now is the Co-Lab!
Floor 4- the Help Desk, very Quiet Study room, and current periodicals
Floor 5- Archives and Special Collections (Mahn Center), Government Documents, and quiet study space
Floor 6- Social Work section is HV
Floor 7- Children's section