Hello and welcome to a work in progress of sorts. This guide is meant to collect resources, both available freely online as well as resources purchased by the Libraries, that administrators and practitioners in higher education may find useful. On the left hand side of these pages you can see that the guide is broken up into areas of interest, and the resources linked within these tabs will be updated as new sources are purchased or emerge online.
se let me know what you think of this guide or if I am missing any resources you think would help other administrators on campus. You can provide feedback by emailing me or reaching out via Teams. All of my contact information, as well as my research interests and professional engagement activities, can be found on the Contact Me tab to the left.
I would be more than happy to meet with you to work on literature searches for your personal research interests, or to develop reading lists for committees or task forces. I can also come to meetings and do some real-time searching if that would be useful to the group.
Looking forward to hearing from you!