This guide provides resources and insight to help students in the MIHS program to be successful. The Libraries services and resources help students to be better information seekers, consumers, and creators. On this page you will find FAQs from other students. On the tabs to the left, you will find a library orientation (required for new students), Capstone Impact Project resources and help, and subject-speific resources geared to each of the certificates you have to choose from to help your research. Ans of course, a Contact - Need Help page to your librarian, Hanna Schmillen.
To learn more about the MIHS program, please visit the MIHS Steps to Success to review the core courses, certificate expectations, and program-specific information. (preview link)
APA-specific resources can be found on the APA tab of our Citations Style Guide.
Zotero is the free software we recommend if you are looking for ways to save and organize articles that also allows you to generate citations. Learn more about Zotero on our Zotero Guide, with step-by-step videos.
From the Academic Achievement Center (AAC) located in Alden Library, 2nd floor. They do remote meetings, too! They have special tutors just for graduate students.
All MIHS students will be required to complete some CITI Training in preparation for your Capstone Impact Project. Why? Because you may want to survey patients/participants, gather data, etc. and in order to do that, you will need IRB approval (links to OHIO's IRB information page).
All studies that involve humans are potentially subject to federal government regulations. This includes everything from clinical trials to surveys, interviews, and observation. Any research -- including masters and doctoral projects -- that calls for participation by people must be reviewed and approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) before the project can begin. All researchers who conduct human subjects research must complete the required CITI training.
(Use same language and links as in BB, or link to BB course)