Purdue Owl Writing and Citing Lab - Highly recommended resource that covers APA, MLA, and Chicago styles.
Excelsior Online Writing Lab - Covers the writing process, research, critical thinking, presentation, citations, and more.
KnightCite Citation Service via the Library at Calvin University. Copy and paste the bits of your resources and it will auto-generate your citation.
Zotero - Free citation management software. See our online guide and video workshop series for more information and training.
Opendemia - Allows for an individual or group to save & quote sources, create citations in MLA, APA, Chicago, or AMA, and create a works cited page.
- Create a free account and add a “New Project”. Then create citations by clicking on “New Sources” & adding the citation info and/or using auto-generation.
- To get a works cited page, check the box next to your citation(s) and click on “Create Works Cited” at the bottom of the page. Then choose the citation style for your works cited page.