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Streaming Film Collections by Subject

This guide is designed to help faculty and students identify streaming films for use in classes, projects, or even as secondary sources.

SouthEast Asia Featured Film

Through Joshua Oppenheimer's work filming perpetrators of the Indonesian genocide, a family of survivors discovers how their son was murdered and the identity of the men who killed him.

Streaming Service Videos


  • Southeast Asia Videos
    • This link has already set the videos to include those from 2010 to the present with 60 videos ranging from a few minutes to full documentaries.  

Films on Demand

  • Southeast Asia Videos
    • Almost 200 videos that allows for easy filtering of topic, ex. Asia & the Pacific, Central Asia, etc. Majority of videos are episodes, documentaries or TED Talks. 



  • Asian Studies Videos
  • Ananda Partwahan Collection
    • Discover the complete filmography of Anand Patwardhan, for almost 50 years India'’s most important — and to some, controversial — documentary filmmaker.

      From his first film Waves of Revolution made in 1974 through his most recent film Reason completed in 2018, Patwardhan has recorded the modern history of India and illuminated inconvenient truths of its society, from the injustices of poverty and the caste system, to the rise of militarism, Hindu fundamentalism, nationalism and an extremist, repressive government.

      Virtually all of Patwardhan’s films have faced state censorship and he has had to wage unrelenting legal battles to make them available for screening in India, at all.