Passport GMID has information on countries, consumers and industries.
Information comes in different forms including statistics, reports, opinions and analysis.
Search tips for Passport GMID:
- If you use the search box in the top right corner of Passport, you'll get a lot of search results that you will want to limit by industry, geography, age group, etc on the left side of your results page.

- If you run into a category description that is confusing use the Help > Definitions section of the Passport site to find out how Passport is defining a particular industry or category.
- For example, Passport defines consumer foodservice as "cafés/bars, full-service restaurants, fast food, 100% home delivery/takeaway, self-service cafeterias and street stalls/kiosks." The same page goes on to define these different types of foodservice providers.
- The Help > FAQ section also has more information on category definitions, including an explanation of why pizza falls into different cartegories.
- When you look at statistics, keep an eye out for small icons that indicate more information is availalbe elsewhere in Passport GMID.