Below are some resources for finding more information about a company.
D&B Hoovers (OneSource)*
Hoovers is one of the best places to start if you know nothing about a company. It is an excellent database for company profiles, industry and market research reports, SWOT analyses, analyst reports, and more.
Mergent Online*
Mergent Online offer extensive company financials, filings, equity and industry reports, and much more. Information can be screened, selected, and downloaded. The company comparisons feature of Mergent is also very robust.
Use “Reports” tab in Mergent to find Equity Reports for your company, and industry reports for the industry. Bear in mind that the industry coverage is pretty broad, so there may not be a report on your specific industry (check IbisWorld and First Research for more industry coverage). Also, Mergent may not have Equity reports for all companies, but you may be able to find a similar report in OneSource or NetAdvantage.
The “Competitors” tab is also very useful for quickly benchmarking a company against its peers
You can download up to 15 years of financial information for your company