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Retail and Fashion Merchandising: RFM

A Subject Guide for the RFM Major in the school of Human and Consumer Sciences Education in the Patton College of Education

Business Databases: The Most Likely to Aid RFM Students

More Business Info Sources

Chad Boeninger, OU's Business Librarian, has a series of resource guides for business applications. 

 Picture of Chad Boeninger, the business Librarian

     These can all be found by searching on the library home page, but here I've featured the ones I think we would be likely to use.  

Most of his pages include videos on how to search that thing.  I use these a lot.

Small, Private, Local

Where do you find info on the business down the street? 

  • go and look: what is their product mix, target demographic, approach to sales, etc. 
  • talk to people: the manager, the owner, the clerk, the patrons
  • scour the media: where and how are they advertising? 
  • see the Chamber of Commerce in that town
  • do a query about them with the local Better Business Bureau