"The EDGAR database provides free public access to corporate information, allowing you to research a public company’s financial information and operations by reviewing the filings the company makes with the SEC. "
Company Perspectives in Earnings Conference Calls
Quarterly earnings conference calls are recorded as print transcripts, and can be found in Nexis Uni (formerly Lexis-Nexis Academic). The reports can be an effective way of understanding some of the company's strategies or how they are dealing with industry pressures and competition.
Nexis Uni (previously known as LexisNexis Academic for ages) is a great source for company or industry news, company profiles, legal cases, financials, family trees, accounting publications, law journals, and more.
Find Earnings Call Transcripts in NexisUni
Use NexisUni (link above) as described and shown below to find earnings conference call transcripts.
Click "A publication" in "What are you interested in?".
Enter your public company name in the search box
Type" Disclosure" in the Find Publication box and select "FD (Fair Disclosure) Newswire."
Click "Search"
Like a post-game press conference with a coach talking about the successes and failures of his team, public companies also discuss their successes, earnings, initiatives, and failures with analysts. These quarterly earnings conference calls are recorded as print transcripts, and can be found in Nexis Uni (formerly Lexis-Nexis Academic). The reports can be an effective way of understanding some of the company's strategies. This video shows you how to find the reports.