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Scholarly Research Impact

This guide is designed to help you to understand the different ways to increase and measure the impact of your research.

Workshop for Authors: How to Write a Great Research Paper, Find the Right Journal, & Get Accepted

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In this video you will learn about : identifying the right journal, structuring your article, understanding the peer review process, Open Access publishing, publishing ethics e.g. plagiarism, duplicate publishing, and how to get your research notice. A great overview of a lot of the topics covered in this guide.

Hot Takeaways from the Workshop for Authors:

  1. Write a good paper. Really spend the time to edit and draft your work. You will up your chances of getting accepted because the editors and reviewers will not be frustrated with your work.
    • This means your abstract needs to state the key results and/or conclusion; introduction needs to state the aim of your study; methods need to be transparent; results accurately represented; discussion restates results and has NEW ideas; and your figures/tables are presented well.
  2. Each journal will have a guide for authors. READ IT and adhere to it. And do not resubmit rejected manuscripts without revisions.
  3. Boring titles are, well. boring. Even in scientific research you can make a title a little interesting. Articles with short, catchy titles are better cited. (Tips for Titles)
  4. Ensure your work is within the scope of the journal. Think you found a journal? Great! Read a couple of it's published articles to see if your work fits within a similar scope and style.
  5. DO NOT submit your manuscript to several journals at one time. One submission, one journal at a time.
  6. Make sure you write and publish for your audience.
  7. Write backwards. Start with your Figures/Tables, then results, methods, discussion, conclusions, introduction, and leave the abstract until the end.
  8. The Reference section is typically where journal reviewers and editors find the most mistakes. DO NOT be one of these authors. It is your responsibility to get your references correct. (Tip: Use Zotero - a free citation management tool)
  9. Cover Letter- submit with your manuscript. Suggest suitable reviewers (not collaborators or friends, but authors in your subject area); note why you think your work is suitable for the journal; any controversy or competition on your topic?
  10. There are a lot of steps and people involved once you submit your article to the journal. Be patient with yourself and with the reviewers. Address all comments for revision with professionalism. Make revisions. If you disagree with a suggestion, answer why with evidence.
Subjects: Interdisciplinary