Plan A:
In MOST of our databases, you will either see an option for the PDF, which makes your life very easy, or Get Full Text. However, you may also see a couple icons. The first icons most likely will be the publisher, they want your money. ALWAYS click on the Find It! or hover over the Get Full Text to see that is says Ohio University. See images below for examples.

Plan B:
Easier access to the full text of journal articles via Google Scholar. We have a short video that you can use and share with your students that provide directions on how to sync the Libraries full-text.
Plan C:
Double check ALICE for the journal title by going to the Library's homepage and clicking on the second, green tab: ALICE Catalog. Click on the drop-down menu and choose Periodical Title (AKA Journal title) and search for your article's journal. You can then see if we have an electronic access option and then find your article by year.
Plan D:
If all else fails, you can order the article via interlibrary loan (FOR FREE!) or check with Hanna, your librarian. If you have never used Interlibrary Loan (ILLiad) you will find directions and tutorials here.