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The purpose of this guide is to highlight resources in Nursing, and to provide research guidance and tips.

Qualiy Improvement (QI) Ovierview

Four key principles and differences of research and quality improvement.
Research Quality Improvement
Form and test hypothesis Focus on systems and processes
Systematically study a problem of interest following a structured protocol Establish measures to determine if a specific change actually leads to an improvement in systems and processes
Collect, analyze, and interpreter the findings of data collection Analyze data to improve systems related to processes and outcomes (ie, cost, productivity, quality)
Disseminate the findings Use the findings to improve quality of care

Table from: Differentiating between research and QI Gregory 2015

Quality Improvement (QI) in under 15 minutes

QI Measurenments and Tool Kits

Searching for QI-Related Literature

Business Source Complete (EBSCO)

Try: ((DE "QUALITY control") OR (DE "LEAN management")) AND (DE "MEDICAL care")


Try some of the following terms: "Total Quality Management", "Delivery of Health Care", "Quality Indicators, Health Care", "Delivery of Health Care, Integrated", Health Care Reform", "Health Care Quality, Access, and Evaluation", "Process Assessment (Health Care)", "Outcome Assessment (Health Care)", "Health Care Costs", "Quality of Health Care", "Quality Assurance, Health Care", "Primary Health Care", "Outcome and Process Assessment (Health Care)"


Try: ("quality improvement" OR "quality of health care" OR "quality of care research" OR "patient safety" OR "health care delivery") AND (YOUR TOPIC)

Top QI Related Journals and eBooks

  • BMJ Quality and Safety - The journal integrates the academic and clinical aspects of quality and safety in healthcare by encouraging academics to create evidence and knowledge valued by clinicians and clinicians to value using evidence and knowledge to improve quality.
  • Implementation Science - An open access journal that publishes research relevant to the scientific study of methods to promote the uptake of research findings into routine healthcare in clinical, organizational, or policy contexts.
  • International Journal for Quality in Health Care - Official journal of the International Society for Quality in Health Care (ISQua), it is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal addressing research, policy, and implementation related to the quality of health care and health outcomes for populations and patients worldwide.
  • American Journal of Medical Quality - This peer-reviewed journal presents a forum for the exchange of ideas, strategies, and methods in improving the delivery and management of health care.
  • Health Affairs - Up-to-date health policy news, topics, and guidelines.
  • Patient Safety Monitor Journal - Best practices and tools related to sentinel events, care of patients, medication errors, infection control, restraints, competencies, credentialing, patient assessment, falls and workplace violence.

Health Services/Technology Assessment Texts (HSTAT): includes AHRQ evidence reports, SAMHSA/CSAT treatment protocols, etc.