The resources on this page help you to get a broad understanding of the industry. Make sure you use multiple sources to get the most well-rounded view of the industry as possible.
See Industry Research Basics for more general research tips.
IbisWorld is a great place to get started with researching the industry
Simply search for “home improvement”, “home center," "hardware," etc. to find reports to get a broad understanding of the U.S. industry.
Note that you may want to also check out other reports for paint stores, home decor stores, etc.
The industry reports in First Research compliment IbisWorld for a general understanding of the industry
Search for "home improvement," "hardware," etc. to find relevant reports that may offer another perspective on the industry.
Use Passport to find excellent reports that tend to have more consumer information than the sources above.
Suggested searches include:
I also suggest you use the Industries tab to browse the Home & Garden topic for relate reports and analysis.
Below are a few trade sites and organizations that provide useful information grocery stores industry. I will add to the list as I discover additional useful links. Note that these links goe to the free websites. We do not subscribe so some reports may be behind a paywall.