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Grocery and Food Retail Industry Guide

Resources and research tips for the supermarket, grocery stores, and food retail industry

Consumers & Customers

Use these resources to better understand the grocery and food retail industry's consumers and customers.  These resources will provide consumer demographics, customer trends, buying behavior, and more. 

  • Search Mintel for "food shopping," "grocery retailing," "online grocery retailing," "grocery" to find market research reports
  • These reports will describe consumer motivations, customer demographics, market trends, and more.
  • Use Simmons to find national-level demographic profiles of people who shop at specific stores or use certain brands of food.
  • Can also be used to find consumer attitudes about shopping and purchasing
  • To find a demographic profile of a consumer
    1. Hover over profile and click "Quick Reports"
    2. Click the Composer link
    3. search by brand, product, or activity, or use the browse feature  (there is a full category for Grocery shopping, food stores, etc. to explore)
    4. select a data variable and move the variable to Targets, then click Create
    5. Select Demographics to create a demographic profile
  • Passport does a great job of covering the smaller sectors and product categories of the beauty and personal care industry.  
  • It is excellent for both US and international markets


Find Country Reports about the Industry

  1.  Select Industries from the top navigation menu and choose "Beauty & Personal Care"
  2. On the next page*, scroll to the middle to find the "Country Reports" box
  3. Select the Category and Geography
  4. Click "Go" to find reports based on your search criteria

*You can also use the "Beauty & Personal Care" home page to find company profiles, industry forecast, analyst commentaries, and loads of data.

a screenshot of Passport database showing the steps described above

  • Use for finding articles and case studies about marketing to consumers in the industry.
  • If you are just getting started, I suggest browsing for articles by your industry
    1. Use the "More" link at the top of the page
    2. Browse by interest to Categories
    3. On the Categories page, select Show More from the Retail Category
    4. Click on the Supermarkets & Grocery Stores category
  • You can also use the search box to search by company, brand, etc.