Students in the “History of Sport” class are working on an analytical video that covers an issue, event, or theme in the history of sport. The topics typically include:
Students may cover the broad topic, or focus on a more narrow topic that is within the scope of their assigned theme. What follows is a list of resources that can help them find some great resources for their annotated bibliographies and video assignments.
ArticlesPlus is the big search box on the main library home page.
Note that the databases below are included in ArticlesPlus. Sometimes ArticlesPlus can yield too many results. If you are feeling overwhelmed by the sheer volume of search results, you might try one of the more narrow subject specific databases below. Also, searching for your topic in the different databases below will yield publications from multiple academic disciplines, giving you a much broader perspective.
A quick tip: All of the subject databases above, and ArticlesPlus, are hosted on the Ebsco platform. You might want to use the “Sign In” feature to create a MyEbscoHost account. This will allow you to save articles and perhaps even share folders with your team.
If you are looking for articles to help you understand sports law and legal topics, HeinOnline is the best database to use.