Browsing can be a great way to encounter books you'd otherwise miss, or to open yourself up to new discoveries and inspiration. Use the following call numbers ranges to browse in the library stacks. Similar books are very often collocated on the shelves, but it's a good to keep an open mind as you browse as some books may be classified differently than you'd think.
Refer to the General Information: Books page for help reading call numbers.
TR15 Photography - History
TR146 Photography - Handbooks, manuals, etc.
TR183 Photography - Psychology, aesthetics, etc.
TR250-265 Cameras
TR287-500 Photographic processing. Darkroom technique
TR504-508 Transparencies. Diapositives
TR510-545 Color photography
TR550-581 Studio and laboratory
TR590-620 Lighting
TR624-835 Applied photography Including artistic, commercial, medical photography, photocopying processes
TR651-653 Photography 1800-1950
TR654-655 Photography 1950-present
TR656.6 Still life photography
TR660-660.5 Photography of the nude
TR680-681 Portaits
TR721-733 Nature photography
TR820-820.5 Photojournalism, documentary photography
TR845-899 Cinematography. Motion pictures
TR925-1050 Photomechanical processes