Browsing can be a great way to encounter books you'd otherwise miss, or to open yourself up to new discoveries and inspiration. Use the following call numbers ranges to browse in the library stacks. Similar books are very often collocated on the shelves, but it's a good to keep an open mind as you browse as some books may be classified differently than you'd think.
Refer to the General Information: Books page for help reading call numbers.
NC1-45 General Including collective biography
NC50-266 History of drawing
NC390-670 Study and teaching
NC703-725 General works
NC730-758 Technique
NC760-825 Special subjects
NC845-915 Graphic art materials
NC930 Conservation and restoration of drawings
NC950-(996) Illustration
NC997-1003 Commercial art. Advertising art
NC1280-1284 Printed ephemera. Imagerie populaire
NC1300-1766 Pictorial humor, caricature, etc.
NC1800-1850 Posters
ND25-(48) General
ND49-813 History
ND1115-1120 Study and teaching
ND1130-1156 General works
ND1288-1460 Special subjects
ND1290-1293 Human figure
ND1300-1337 Portraits
ND1340-1367 Landscape painting
ND1370-1375 Marine painting
ND1380-1383 Animals. Birds
ND1385-1388 Sports. Hunting, fishing, etc.
ND1390-1393 Still life ND1400-1403 Flowers. Fruit. Trees
ND1410-1460 Other subjects
ND1470-1625 Technique and materials
ND1630-1662 Examination and conservation of paintings
ND1700-2495 Watercolor painting
ND2550-2733 Mural painting
ND2889-3416 Illuminating of manuscripts and books