Film & Television Literature Index is the definitive index to film and television literature. It is a bibliographic database that provides cover-to-cover indexing and abstracts for more than 300 publications, and selected coverage of 300 more. The database has been designed for use by a diverse audience that includes film scholars, college students, and general viewers.
Searchable, full text source for scholarly journals in many fields. JSTOR does not include current content. Typically, the most recent three to five years of a journal are not available.
Containing comprehensive indexing of the most popular general-interest periodicals published in the United States and reflects the history of 20th century America. The complete database covers the years 1890 through 1982.
Our mission continues to be to share great films with audiences. Whether you are a librarian, filmmaker, distributor, student, faculty, community center, vendor, or cinephile - Video Librarian is your partner.