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COMS 1030: Public Speaking

Use this site to help you choose your research topic and find information to back up your claims in your speeches.


Articles Plus is a single database which searches the contents of more than 200 databases all at the same time, including: 

  • All EBSCO databases that we have
  • All JSTOR journals that we have
  • Several newspaper databases
  • ALICE Catalog (books, videos, names of magazines, journals, and newspapers, and more)
  • ...and much more

Articles Plus does not include everything. We subscribe to many other databases--including about two dozen from ProQuest--that are not included in Articles Plus. To find and use these, go to the  database list -- or let us help you

Find research articles on your topic

What are research articles (aka scholarly or peer reviewed articles)? 

  1. Experts (including professors) conduct research on their topic of interest and report on results in research journals. 
  2. The articles go through a process of stringent review known as "peer review" where other experts read the article and decide whether it gets published. 
  3. Most research articles will have a review of previous research on the topic, a presentation of the methods and data for their research and a bibliography.
  4. The library at North Carolina State University has a great page showing what a scholarly research article looks like

Finding research articles

  1. Search for your topic in Articles Plus and use the check box on the left side of the page to Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals
  2. Once you see an article you like, click on the title to see all of the information about it, including author, name of the journal and an abstract or summary of the article's contents. 
  3. To read the article, look for a link that says Full Text or Find It! with (LinkSource).
  4. If you can't find the full text, ask a librarian. We can usually track down a copy or help you place a request for it through InterLibrary Loan
Subjects: Communication