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Music Industry Research Guide

Resources and research tips to help you understand the music industry.

Industry Reports & Statistics

The databases below contain industry overviews, analysis, and statistics.  Use each resource to  gather a significant understanding of the music industry.  

Use the  "Tips" tabs  for specific search tips, keywords,  and strategies for each database.

  • Search IbisWorld by keyword to find reports on Music Publishing, Music Groups & Artists, Music Stores, Music Streaming Services, and more.

  • You can also use IbisWorld to search by company, brand, etc., to find reports where those companies are discussed.

  • First Research is useful in finding reports for Music Production & Distribution, Radio Broadcasting and Programming, and Media.
  • The search interface for First Research is not great.  I suggest you:
    1.  Click the Browse Report Categories in the dark blue menu at the top of the page
    2. Browse to the Technology and Communications section to find releavant reports (some are listed above)
    3. The Retail Category might also have some relevant reports, such as Music Instrument Stores.
  • Search for industry statistics by company, product, brand, topic, and other keywords.
  • Be sure to check out the Source Link to find other relevant information.