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Better Research Posters

Navigating Information

Two research posters side by side: one packed with text, captioned "Yikes, that's a lot to read!" The other, a user-friendly design, with the caption "Oh, that's much better!" above.

Image created by Heaven Herrold 

*Deadline for printing EXPO posters for spring 2024 is April 5th

How do users interact with information? 

At a research fair, like the Ohio University EXPO, people interact with information by navigating through mass amounts of research posters. This event, though very exciting, is also overstimulating. A well-designed poster enhances the visibility and recognition of your research, ensuring that your audience can quickly grasp the significance of your findings in a fast pace environment.


Why do traditional research posters suck? 

Traditional posters make the mistake of including too much text, creating a situation where information overload can occur. These posters tend to be overwhelming, hindering the audience's ability to absorb and retain the presented information.