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Library Orientation for International Students

This is a resource guide offering a variety of information and library resources available for international students at Ohio University.


Articles Plus is a single database which searches the contents of more than 200 databases all at the same time, including: 

  • All EBSCO databases that we have
  • All JSTOR journals that we have
  • Several newspaper databases
  • ALICE Catalog (books, videos, names of magazines, journals, and newspapers, and more)
  • ...and much more

Articles Plus does not include everything. We subscribe to many other databases--including about two dozen from ProQuest--that are not included in Articles Plus. To find and use these, go to the  database list -- or let us help you

Google Scholar

Logo for Google Scholar


Google Scholar searches for scholarly journals, books, theses, conference papers, etc.

Some things to note:

  • It lacks most of the search limiting functions of other article databases.
  • Google does not make clear what journals it searches or excludes or what years are covered.
  • Google's definition of "scholarly" may not agree with ours!
  • Never pay for an article! C&P the title into Articles Plus to see if we have it. IF not, use Interlibrary Loan to request it for free.


    Did you know?
  • You can set  Google Scholar to find the full text of articles in OU Libraries:
    • Click on the Settings icons for google scholaricon.
    • Configure the settings like this:Google scholar settings as described above
    •  find it link in google scholarshould show up in your search results. You may have to login to get to the full text.  

Interlibrary Loan and Document Express

Through our Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery service, we will try to obtain items which we don't own from other libraries for you to use. Here's a step-by-step breakdown of the process of obtaining articles:

  1. Do a Periodical Titlesearch in ALICE to see if we own the journal. Be sure to look at all possible formats:
    • Printed volumes
    • Microforms
    • Online (electronic) versions
  2. If we don't own the journal at all, or for the volume/year you need, login to our Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery system (ILLiad) and request the article there.
    • We will send a request to a library which does own the volume/year you need. That library will scan the article, create a PDF file of it, and send it back to our Interlibrary Loan system.
    • You will be notified by email when it has arrived. Then you can login again to your ILLiad account and download the PDF from there.
    • Please note: you cannot request journal articles via OhioLINK!