Journal Title Abbreviations
Document Express - Within one business day we will scan and send you a PDF copy of a journal article or portion of a book (within copyright guidelines) of most items within the OU Libraries' collection. Must be a current faculty, staff, or student. Make your request using interlibrary loan - ILLiad.
Interlibrary loan
When we do not have access to a journal article or book, we will try to obtain the item from another library. Typically journal articles are received within 2 business days and other items can take longer. Make your request using interlibrary loan - ILLiad.
Text Directions
You have citation information from searching a database for your topic.
- Look first for full text (or something similar) or PDF (or something similar).
- If you cannot find a full text option, use the Find It! link to determine if there is electronic copy from another provider.
- If you cannot find online access via another provider, use the Search ALICE Catalog for this title, go to #2 below.
OR if you already have the citation information from a bibliography or reference list.
- Do a Periodical Title search in ALICE Catalog to see if we own the journal.
- First, look for electronic resources. Remember to check the dates.
- If we do not have online access check for print or microform and again check the dates. If you would like a PDF copy sent to you within 1 business day, make a document express request via interlibrary loan - ILLiad.
- If we do not own the journal or have the volume/year you need, request the article through interlibrary loan - ILLiad.
If you need any help, just ask me.