Various subject headings can be used to track down books on religion in Thailand:
Gathering leaves & lifting words : histories of Buddhist monastic education in Laos and Thailand / Justin Thomas McDaniel
Buddhism and postmodern imaginings in Thailand : the religiosity of urban space / James Taylor
Buddhism and the spirit cults in north-east Thailand [by] S. J. Tambiah
World conqueror and world renouncer : a study of Buddhism and polity in Thailand against a historical background / S. J. Tambiah
Nirvana for sale? : Buddhism, wealth, and the Dhammakāya Temple in contemporary Thailand / Rachelle M. Scott
Living Buddhism : mind, self, and emotion in a Thai community / Julia Cassaniti
Monks and magic : revisiting a classic study of religious ceremonies in Thailand/ Barend Jan Terwiel
Development monks in Northeast Thailand / Pinit Lāpthanānon
Buddhist storytelling in Thailand and Laos : the Vessantara Jataka scroll at the Asian Civilisations Museum / Leedom Lefferts and Sandra Cate ; with Wajuppa Tossa, [translator]
Modern Thai Buddhism and Buddhadāsa Bhikkhu : a social history / Tomomi Ito
Thai taxi talismans : Bangkok from the passenger seat / Dale Konstanz
Buddhist murals of Northeast Thailand : reflections of the Isan heartland / Bonnie Pacala Brereton and Somroay Yencheuy
New Buddhist movements in Thailand : towards an understanding of Wat Phra Dhammakāya and Santi Asoke / Rory Mackenzie
Becoming the Buddha : the ritual of image consecration in Thailand / Donald K. Swearer
The Buddha in the jungle / Kamala Tiyavanich
Thai women in Buddhism / Chatsumarn Kabilsingh
Buddhism, legitimation, and conflict : the political functions of urban Thai Buddhism / Peter A. Jackson
Sangha, state, and society : Thai Buddhism in history / Yoneo Ishii ; translated by Peter Hawkes
The Buddhist saints of the forest and the cult of amulets : a study in charisma, hagiography, sectarianism, and millennial Buddhism / Stanley Jeyaraja Tambiah
The kingdom of the yellow robe : being sketches of the domestic and religious rites and ceremonies of the Siamese / by Ernest Young ; with illustrations by E.A. Norbury and from photographs by the author
Buddhist temples of Thailand : a visual journey through Thailand's 42 most historic wats / text by Joe Cummings ; photography by Dan White
Thai tellings of Phra Malai : texts and rituals concerning a popular Buddhist saint / by Bonnie Pacala Brereton
Islam in modern Thailand : faith, philanthropy and politics / Rajeswary Ampalavanar Brown
Islam, education, and reform in Southern Thailand : tradition & transformation / Joseph Chinyong Liow
Tearing apart the land : Islam and legitimacy in Southern Thailand / Duncan McCargo
Muslim merit-making in Thailand's far-South [electronic resource] / Christopher M. Joll
Southern Thailand : the dynamics of conflict / John Funston
The life of this world : negotiated Muslim lives in Thai society / Chaiwat Satha-Anand
Dynamic diversity in Southern Thailand / edited by Wattana Sugunnasil
The Muslims of Thailand / Michel Gilquin ; translated by Michael Smithies
Islam and Malay nationalism : a case study of the Malay-Muslims of Southern Thailand / Surin Pitsuwan
Tai magic : arts of the supernatural in the Shan States and Lan Na / Susan Conway
Thai magic tattoos : the art and influence of Sak Yant / Isabel Azevedo Drouyer ; photography, René Drouyer ; [editor,Narisa Chakrabongse]
Buddhist-Christian encounter in contemporary Thailand / Kenneth Fleming
Erawan Shrine and Brahma worship in Thailand : with reference to India & Nepal / Trilok Chandra Majupuria
Thailand : spirits among us / Marlane Guelden
The supernatural in Thai life / text by John Hoskin ; photographs by Jean-Lʹeo Dugast
The spirit houses of Thailand / Peter A. Reichart and Pathawee Khongkhunthian
The ancestral lords : gender, descent, and spirits in a Northern Thai village / Michael R. Rhum