Peace Review; 13, no. 1 (Mar, 2001): 27-33, 7 p., The various forms truth commissions have taken have resulted from a
balancing act between truth telling and justice.. . . This is a learning curve worldwide and one
in which communities, groups and individuals in the North of Ireland are now
Environment & Planning D: Society & Space. Jun2007, Vol. 25 Issue 3, p476-495. 20p
.In this paper we explore, first, the role of the past and practices of commemoration in unagreed societies such as Northern Ireland in which consensus appears an unlikely proposition, the focus being on inclusion and exclusion and on the role of the contested nature of a hierarchical victimhood in commemoration.
"The significant events of 1968 in the troubled province of Northern Ireland are outlined to gain an understanding of the place of Northern Ireland in the broader narrative of the year 1968. "
"This article explores the complex relationship between organisational change and historical dialogue in transitional societies. "
"You Understand Again": Testimony and Post-Conflict Transition in the North of Ireland. In: The Oral History Reader 2006, edited by R. Perks and A. Thomson. London: Routledge, 531-537.
Understanding the Other’s “Understanding” of Violence: Legitimacy, Recognition, and the Challenge of Dealing with the Past in Divided Societies. Marcel M. Bauman. International Journal of Conflict and Violence 2009. 3(1): 107-123.
It rejects the view that storytelling is unproblematic, a way for victims to 'get things off their chest'. It examines a wide range of literature on storytelling and testimony, from the Holocaust through to contemporary transitional societies.
We share the view that a lack of information, understanding or acknowledgement has left many people with burning questions concerning truth and justice in relation to past events. . . . While there is no easy way to deal with these issues, we believe that a mature and honest discussion could contribute to the development of a sustainable peace.