Below are a couple of theories that have been floating around the internet during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic. Is there any truth to any of these or others? Choose one of the theories below or choose your own and answer the questions below.
COVID Misinformation by Ryerson University
MythBusters: COVID-19 edition by WHO (World Health Organization)
The Coronavirus Collection: Fact-Checking COVID-19 by SNOPES : Coronavirus Archives
Coronavirus (COVID-19) by the CDC
COVID-19 Toolkit for General Public by the CDC
COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease 2019) by Medline through the National Institutes of Health U.S. National Library of Medicine
COVID-19 Resources: Studies, Research, etc. from the National Library of Medicine
Evaluating False News & Information from the Mississippi State University Library
Misinformation Beyond "Fake News" from the Manchester Community College Library
Q&A with Donald Barclay on Fake News & COVID-19 from the University of California, Merced
C.R.A.P. Test to Separate Real Information from Fake News from the University of Buffalo
1. Check Credentials. Is the author/organization/owner in the field? Do they currently work in that field? Check LinkedIn, Google, etc. to see if it makes sense for this author, or organization, to be speaking about this topic.
2. Look for Bias. Does the piece (blog, article, etc.) lean toward one point of view? Skew left or right relative to political views? Does the piece seem to be selling an idea or product to you?
3. Check the Sources. Do they cite sources or provide evidence? Can you link to them or find them? If you can't find sources, explore other places that talk about the topic so you can get a feel for other perspectives, evidence, etc.
4. Be a Critical Judge. If it seems too good to be true, or too weird, or reactionary, then it very well may be.
RESIST Counter Disinformation Toolkit - This toolkit will help support the dissemination of reliable, truthful information
LinkedIn - A professional networking website where you can look up the authors of articles and books to see if they're credible.
FactCheck - A product of the Annenberg Public Policy Center, this site is terrific for checking up on political claims.
Politifact -The Pulitzer Prize-winning Politifact researches the claims of politicians and checks their accuracy. - One of the oldest debunking sites on the Internet, focuses on urban legends, news stories and memes. the also cite their sources at the end of each debunking.
Lead Stories -Established in 2015, Lead Stories intentionally seeks out viral stories using software and debunks them as fast as possible.
Hoax-Slayer - Similar to Snopes but tighter in scope, Hoax-Slayer focuses on email hoaxes, identity theft scams and spam.
The Washington Post Fact-Checker - While focused primarily on political facts, it covers specific claims in-depth and with plenty of cross-referencing.
Veracity (iPhone app) - Double check image sources and see where they came from.
Also, while it's not a direct link, the New York times has a "Fact Check of the Day" feature that analyzes a meme, tweet or other object and confirms or debunks it using reporting, fact finding and other tools. It's a fascinating look into the newsroom of the Times.