Below is a list of call number classifications for particular topics relating to music therapy. You can simply browse the collections in these areas as an alternative to searching in the ALICE catalog.
The links below for ALICE, OhioLINK, and WorldCat can be used to search for a wide variety of materials and subjects.
Subject headings are useful ways to search library materials using clear, precise language. Below is a list of subject headings that are useful for searching for materials related to music therapy and narrowing down materials by topic:
In ALICE, you can search by Keyword, Title, Author, or Subject. Here's a few pro tips to make searching faster and more direct.
1. Using the words "AND" and "NOT" in between key search words. (ex. Music Therapy AND Special Education)
2. Putting whole phrases in quotation marks (ex. "Creative Music Therapy" AND "Paul Nordoff" AND "Clive Robbins")