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Interior Architecture

Resources for students studying interior architecture.

ALICE Catalog, OhioLINK Catalog, and WorldCat

1. Start here: ALICE Library Catalog...

  • Includes: books, videos, magazine, journal, and newspaper titles, from ALL Ohio University campus libraries.
  • Does not include: individual articles from magazines, journals, and newspapers.
  • Look for Location, Call Number, and Status. AVAILABLE means it should be on the shelf, or readable online.

2. Can't find it in ALICE? Try OhioLINK...

  • Access to 50M+ items from around the state.
  • Quick, easy, and free borrowing; see table of borrowing information.
  • Use  the grey "request it" button from OHiolink get items from OhioLINK. Delivery usually within 3-4 days.*

*Please allow several additional days during COVID-limited operations. 

3. Can't even get it from OhioLINK? Try WorldCat...

  • Combined catalogs of thousands of libraries from around the world.
  • You cannot borrow directly in WorldCat; request books and media via Interlibrary Loan.

Reading call numbers

Every book that you find in ALICE or OhioLINK will have a call number assigned to it. Call numbers are an alphanumerical system for organizing books for subject.

Call numbers are usually labeled on the spine of each book, towards the bottom. Thinner books will also about the call number label on the front cover, on the top left corner.

They can be read line for line:


Call number quiz


If we don't have the item you need (or if we do have it but it's not available for some reason), be sure to see if OhioLINK can provide it for you. OhioLINK is a statewide network of around 90 library systems. In most cases, you can quickly and easily borrow books from OhioLINK for free.

If you're using ALICE, you can always click on the OhioLINK button (in the right sidebar) to repeat a search in the central catalog.

Use WorldCat to find bibliographic information about a book that you can use to search locally, in OhioLINK, or with Interlibrary Loan if the book is not in any Ohio library collections. 

Subjects: Art + Design