If you have questions that are not answered in this guide, reach out to the Research Services Team Leader, Chris Guder.
You can also contact the librarian or archivist associated with your discipline area.
For direct support from HTRC, email htrc-help@hathitrust.org. Sign up for HTRC email announcements including details about monthly office hours here.
HTRC's Extracted Features Dataset consists of about 17.1 million bzip2 compressed JSON files corresponding to each volume in HathiTrust at the time of the last Extracted Features Dataset update (v.2.0). Each volume's JSON file contains some volume-level metadata and a set of features for each page in that volume. Each page is split into a header, body, and footer, each of which has:
Because these structural attributes and word counts are non-consumptive, they are also available for in-copyright works. The HTRC Extracted Feature Dataset provides pre-formulated research data up to the full scale of the collection, but lacks the flexibility provided by HTRC Data Capsules, which let researchers process full text in its original order.
HTRC offers an Extracted Features Download Helper that formulates an rsync
download script for works in an HTRC Workset.
Below is a page from a HathiTrust copy of an 1897 reprint of Tottel's Miscellany:
The following is an abridged example of volume and page-level JSON data for the above page, with omissions designated by ...
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