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Finals by Alden

  • THRIVE from campus recreation includes tips and resources, and even well-being webinars to help you be well and manage stress – even from home!
  • Counseling and Psychological Services offers information on Well-being Programs, Togetherall and Guided Meditations.
  • ASMR for your eyes: “Take a break from the studying and rest your eyes, take a big deep breath, and let your body sink into your chair” Watch a relaxing ASMR video: Space, Art, or Fractal. What is ASMR? a feeling of well-being combined with a tingling sensation in the scalp and down the back of the neck in response to a specific gentle stimulus, often a particular sound. 
  • 5 minute start: Start your day with a 5 minute meditation session!  
  • Office Break Yoga: Step away from your computer and follow a 14 minute yoga break to stretch out your back!   
  • Create a relaxing Desktop Picture: Want to make cool generative art to relax your eyes, try Silk!