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Environmental Sociology

A guide to resources for environmental justice and sociology. For Soc 4950 and intro

Prof. Scanlan's Recommended List

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Articles and Book Chapters on Environmental Justice/Injustice

  1. Adeola, Francis. 2000. "Cross-national Environmental Injustice and Human Rights Issues: A Review of Evidence in the Developing World." The American Behavioral Scientist 43(4): 686-706.
  2. Alkon, Alison. 2008. “Paradise or pavement: the social constructions of the environment in two urban farmers' markets and their implications for environmental justice and sustainability.” Local Environment 13(3): 271-289.
  3. Alkon, Alison Hope and Kari Marie Norgaard. 2009. “Breaking the Food Chains: An Investigation of Food Justice Activism.” Sociological Inquiry 79(3): 289-305.
  4. Agyeman, J, R., Bullard R., and V. Evans. 2002. "Exploring the Nexus: Bringing Together Sustainability, Environmental Justice and Equity." Space and Polity 6(1): 70-90.
  5. Boone, Christopher G., Geoffrey L. Buckley, J. Morgan Grove, and Chona Sister. 2009. Parks and People: An Environmental Justice Inquiry in Baltimore, Maryland.” Annals of the Association of American Geographers 99(4):767-787.
  6. Bowen, William M., Mark J. Salling, Kingsley E. Haynes, and Ellen J. Cyran. 1995. "Toward Environmental Justice: Spatial Equity in Ohio and Cleveland." Annals of the Association of American Geographers 85(4): 641-63.
  7. Bridge, Gavin. 2004. “Contested Terrain: Mining and the Environment.” Annual Review of Environment and Resources 29: 205-259.
  8. Brulle, Robert J., and David N. Pellow. 2006. "Environmental Justice: Human Health and Environmental Inequalities." Annual Review of Public Health 27(1): 103-24.
  9. Buckingham, Susan, and Rakibe Kulcur. 2009. “Gendered Geographies of Environmental Injustice.” Antipode 41(4): 659-683.
  10. Bullard, Robert D. 1994. “Overcoming Racism in Environmental Decision Making.” Environment 36(4): 10-26
  11. Bullard, Robert D., and Glenn S. Johnson. 2000. “Environmental Justice: Grassroots Activism and Its Impact on Public Policy Decision Making.” Journal of Social Issues 56(3): 555-578.
  12. Cable, Sherry and Thomas Shriver. 1995. Production and Extrapolation of Meaning in the Environmental Justice Movement.” Sociological Spectrum 15(4): 419-442.
  13. Cable, Sherry and Thomas Shriver, and Tamara L. Mix. 2008. “Risk Society and Contested Illness: The Case of Nuclear Weapons Workers.” American Sociological Review 73(3): 380-401.
  14. Carruthers, David V. 2008. “The Globalization of Environmental Justice: Lessons from the U.S.-Mexico Border.” Society & Natural Resources 21(7): 556-568.
  15. Checker, Melissa. 2001. "Like Nixon Coming to China': Finding Common Ground in a Multi-Ethnic Coalition for Environmental Justice." Anthropological Quarterly 74(3): 135-146.
  16. Cutter, S. L. 1995. "Race, Class and Environmental Justice." Progress in Human Geography 19(1): 111-22.
  17. Di Chilo, Giovanna. 1996. Nature as Community: The Convergence of Environment and Social Justice. Pp. 298-320 in Uncommon Ground: Rethinking the Human Place in Nature edited by WIliam Cronon. New York: W.W. Norton & Co.
  18. Downey, Liam. 2007. “US Metropolitan-area Variation in Environmental Inequality Outcomes.” Urban Studies 44 (5/6): 953-977.
  19. Downey, Liam. 1998. “Environmental Injustice: Is Race or Income a Better Predictor?” Social Science Quarterly 79(4): 766-778.
  20. Evans, Gary W. and Elyse Kantrowitz. 2002. “Socioeconomic Status and Health: The Potential Role of Environmental Risk Exposure.” Annual Review of Public Health 23: 303-331.
  21. Faber, Daniel and Deborah McCarthy. 2001. “The Evolving Structure of the Environmental Justice Movement in the United States: New Models for Democratic Decision-Making.” Social Justice Research 14(4): 405-421.
  22. Frey, R. Scott. 2003. “The Transfer of Core-based Hazardous Production Process to the Export Processing Zones of the Periphery: The Maquiladora Centers of Northern Mexico.” Journal of World-Systems Research 9(2): 317-354.
  23. Gottlieb, Robert. 2009. “Where We Live Work, Play . . . and Eat: Expanding the Environmental Justice Agenda.” Environmental Justice 2(1): 7-8.
  24. Gottlieb, Robert. 1993. "Ethnicity as a Factor: The Quest for Environmental Justice." Pp. 235-269 in Forcing the Spring: The Transformation of the American Environmental Movement. Washington, DC: Island Press.
  25. Grant, Don, Mary Nell Trautner, Liam Downey and Lisa Thiebaud. 2010. “Bringing the Polluters Back in: Environmental Inequality and the Organization of Chemical Production.” American Sociological Review 75(4I): 479-504.
  26. Grineski, Sara, Timothy W. Collins, María de Lourdes Romo Aguilar, and Raed Aldouri. 2010, “No Safe Place: Environmental Hazards & Injustice along Mexico’s Northern Border.” Social Forces 88(5): 2241-2265.
  27. Herbert, Steve, Brandon Derman, and Tiffany Grobelski. 2013. “The Regulation of Environmental Space.” Annual Review of Law and Social Science 9: 227-247.
  28. Hillman, Mick. 2002. "Environmental Justice: A Crucial Link between Environmentalism and Community Development." Community Development Journal 37(4): 349-360.
  29. Hoffman, Joan. 2000. “Sustainable Economic Development: A Criminal Justice Challenge for the 21st Century.” Crime, Law & Social Change 34: 275–299.
  30. Hooks, Gregory and Chad Smith. 2004. "The Treadmill of Destruction: National Sacrifice Areas and Native Americans.” American Sociological Review 69(4): 558-576.
  31. Johnson, Melissa and Emily Niemeyer. 2008. “Ambivalent Landscapes: Environmental Justice in the US-Mexico Borderlands.” Human Ecology: An Interdisciplinary Journal 36(3): 371-382.
  32. Jones, Robert Emmet and Shirley A. Rainey. 2006. “Examining Linkages between Race, Environmental Concern, Health, and Justice in a Highly Polluted Community of Color.” Journal of Black Studies 36:473-496.
  33. Jorgenson, Andrew K. and Brett Clark. 2009. “The Economy, Military, and Ecologically Unequal Exchange Relationships in Comparative Perspective: A Panel Study of the Ecological Footprints of Nations, 1975–2000.” Social Problems 56(4): 621-646.
  34. Koenig, Kevin. 2004. "Chevron-Texaco on Trial." World Watch 17(1): 10-19.
  35. Ladd, Anthony E. and Bob Edward. 2002. “Corporate Swine and capitalist Pigs: A Decade of Environmental Injustice and Protest in North Carolina.” Social Justice 29(3): 26-46.
  36. Landrigan, Philip, Virginia Rauh, and Maida Galvez. 2010. “Environmental Justice and the Health of Children,” Mount Sinai Journal of Medicine 77: 178-187.
  37. Leichenko, Robin M. and William D. Solecki. 2008. “Consumption, Inequity, and Environmental Justice: The Making of New Metropolitan Landscapes in Developing Countries.” Society & Natural Resources 21(7): 611-624.
  38. Mascarenhas, Michael. 2007. “Where the Waters Divide: First Nations, Tainted Water and Environmental Justice in Canada.” Local Environment 12(6): 565-577
  39. McGurty, Eileen Maura. 2000. “Warren County, NC, and the Emergence of the Environmental Justice Movement: Unlikely Coalitions and Shared Meanings in Local Collective Action.” Society & Natural Resources 13:373-387.
  40. McIlvaine-Newsad, Heather and Rob Porter. 2013. “How Does Your Garden Grow? Environmental Justice Aspects of Community Gardens.” Journal of Ecological Anthropology. 16 (1):69-75.
  41. Middlemiss, Lucie. 2010. “Reframing Individual Responsibility for Sustainable Consumption: Lessons from Environmental Justice and Ecological Citizenship,” Environmental Values 19: 147–167.
  42. Mix, Tamara L. 2011. “Rally the People: Building Local-Environmental Justice Grassroots Coalitions and Enhancing Social Capital.” Sociological Inquiry 81(2):174-194.
  43. Mohai, Paul, David Pellow, and J. Timmons Roberts. 2009. “Environmental Justice.” Annual Review of Environment and Resources 34: 405-430.
  44. Morello-Frosch, Rachel, Miriam Zuk, Michael Jerrett, Bhavna Shamasunder, and Amy D. Kyle. 2011. “Understanding the Cumulative Impacts of Inequality in Environmental Health: Implications for Policy.” Health Affairs 30(5): 879-887.
  45. Mousie, Joshua. 2012. “Global Environmental Justice and Postcolonial Critique.” Environmental Philosophy 9(2):21-45,
  46. Newell, Peter 2005. “Race, Class and the Global Politics of Environmental Inequality. Global Environmental Politics, 5(3): 70-94.
  47. Pellow, David N. 2000. "Environmental Inequality Formation: Toward a Theory of Environmental Injustice." American Behavioral Scientist 43(4): 581-601.
  48. Pellow, David N. Adam Weinberg, and Allan Schnaiberg. 2001. “The Environmental Justice Movement: Equitable Allocation of the Costs and Benefits of Environmental Management Outcomes.” Social Justice Research 14(4): 423-439.
  49. O’Rourke, Dara and Sarah Connolly. 2003. “Just Oil? The Distribution of Environmental and Social Impacts of Oil Production and Consumption.” Annual Review of Environment and Resources 28: 587-617.
  50. O’Rourke, Dara and Gregg Macey. 2003. “Community Environmental Policing: Assessing New Strategies of Public Participation in Environmental Regulation.” Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 22(3): 383-414.
  51. Pastor, Manuel et al. 2009. “Bridging the Bay: University-Community Collaborations,” Pp. 243-255 in Breakthrough Communities: Sustainability and Justice in the Next American Metropolis edited by P. Pavel, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
  52. Pastor, Manuel, Jim Sadd, and John Hipp. 2001. "Which Came First? Toxic Facilities, Minority Move-In, and Environmental Justice." Journal of Urban Affairs 23(1): 1-21.
  53. Pastor, Manuel, Rachel Morello Frosch, James Sadd, and Justin Scoggins. 2013. “Risky business: Cap and trade, public health, and environmental justice. From Urbanization and Sustainability: Linking Urban Ecology, Environmental Justice and Global Environmental Change, edited by C.G. Boone and M. Fragkias. Dordrecht: Springer.
  54. Pulido, Laura 2000. “Rethinking Environmental Racism: White Privilege and Urban Development in Southern California.” Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 90(1): 12-40.
  55. Rainey, Shirley A. and Glenn S. Johnson. 2009. Grassroots Activism: An Exploration of Women of Color’s Role in the Environmental Justice Movement.” Gender & Class 16(3/4): 144-173.
  56. Roberts, J. Timmons. 2009. “The International Dimension of Climate Justice and the Need for International Adaptation Funding.” Environmental Justice 2(4).
  57. Saha, Robin. 2007. “A Current Appraisal of Toxic Wastes and Race in the United States - 2007.” Toxic Waste and Race at Twenty. United Church of Christ, pp: 49-83.
  58. Schelhas, John. 2002. “Race, ethnicity, and natural resources in the United States: A Review.“ Natural Resources Journal 42(4):723-763.
  59. Schlosberg, David. 2004. “Reconceiving Environmental Justice: Global Movements and Political Theories.” Environmental Politics 13(3): 517-540.
  60. Schlosberg, David. 2003. "The Justice of Environmental Justice: Reconciling Equity, Recognition, and Participation in a Political Movement." Pp. 77-106 in Moral and Political Reasoning in Environmental Practice edited by A. Light and A De-Shalit. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
  61. Sexton, Ken and Stephen H. Linder. 2010. “The Role of Cumulative Risk Assessment in Decisions about Environmental Justice.” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 7: 4037-4049.
  62. Shrader-Frechette, Kristin. 2007. "Human Rights and Duties to Alleviate Environmental Injustice: The Domestic Case." Journal of Human Rights 6(1): 107-30.
  63. Shriver, Thomas E. and Gary R. Webb. 2009. “Rethinking the Scope of Environmental Injustice: Perceptions of Health Hazards in a Rural Native American Community Exposed to Carbon Black.”  Rural Sociology 74(2):270-292.
  64. Sowards, Stacey K. 2012. “Environmental Justice in International Contexts: Understanding Intersections for Social Justice in the Twenty-First Century.” Environmental Communication 6(3): 285-289
  65. Stanley, Anna. 2009. “Just space or spatial justice? Difference, discourse, and environmental justice.” Local Environment 14(10): 999-1014.
  66. Walker, Gordon, Gordon Mitchell, John Fairburn, and Graham Smith. 2005. “Industrial pollution and social deprivation: Evidence and complexity in evaluating and responding to environmental inequality.” Local Environment 10(4): 361-377.
  67. Walters, Reece, and Diane Westerhuis. 2013. “Green Crime and the Role of Environmental Courts. Crime, Law & Social Change 59(3):279-290
  68. Warner, Kee. 2002. "Linking Local Sustainability Initiatives with Environmental Justice." Local Environment 7(1): 35-47.
  69. Westra, L. and B.E. Lawson. 2001. Faces of Environmental Racism: Confronting Issues of Global Justice. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
  70. Willliams, B. 2002. "A River Runs Through Us." American Anthropologist 103(2): 409-431.
  71. Wolf, Brian. 2011. “‘Green-Collar Crime’: Environmental Crime and Justice in the Sociological Perspective.” Sociology Compass 5 (7): 499–511.
  72. Yang, Tseming. 2003. "Of Borders, Fences, and Global Environmentalism." Chicago Journal of International Law 4(1): 237-244.