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History of the Atlantic Slave Trade

ALICE Catalog, OhioLINK Catalog, and WorldCat

1. Start here: ALICE Library Catalog...

  • Includes: books, videos, magazine, journal, and newspaper titles, from ALL Ohio University campus libraries.
  • Does not include: individual articles from magazines, journals, and newspapers.
  • Look for Location, Call Number, and Status. AVAILABLE means it should be on the shelf, or readable online.

2. Can't find it in ALICE? Try OhioLINK...

  • Access to 50M+ items from around the state.
  • Quick, easy, and free borrowing; see table of borrowing information.
  • Use  the grey "request it" button from OHiolink get items from OhioLINK. Delivery usually within 3-4 days.*

*Please allow several additional days during COVID-limited operations. 

3. Can't even get it from OhioLINK? Try WorldCat...

  • Combined catalogs of thousands of libraries from around the world.
  • You cannot borrow directly in WorldCat; request books and media via Interlibrary Loan.

Searching for books today


Perhaps the best way to start is to search the ALICE catalog using a simple keyword search. Try: 

If you are searching for books on slavery or the Atlantic slave trade in relation to a specific region of the world or country, it may be helpful to add some geographic terms. For example: 

Similarly, if the focus of your research is the institution of slavery and/or the slave trade within Africa itself, it would be wise to use the relevant geographic terms, such as:

Finally, you may wish to explore the history of slavery within the context of a specific industry or the production of a particular commodity. For example:

Library of Congress Subject Headings

For a more advanced approach to searching the ALICE catalog, you might try using subject headings. For instance: