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Guidelines for Creating/Revising LibGuides

For OU librarians transitioning to LibGuides 2.

Guide Types and Names

Create Guide screenTypes

With LibGuides 2, Springshare is providing several pre-defined "Types" of Guides, visible at "Guide Type & Group" under the little gear-like dropdown in the upper right area of the window when you're in Edit mode. For our public guides, we should stick to two types only:

  1. Course Guide
  2. Subject Guide

Note: you can also choose the Type of Guide when you first create a new Guide. See screenshot at right.


For Subject Guides, keep the names short and to the point.

For Course Guides, use this format: [Course Number]: [Course Title]  For example: ENG 3060: Women and Writing

If you need to distinguish between multiple Guides for the same course by semester and/or instructor, enclose that information in parentheses, e.g., ENG 3060: Women and Writing (Jones) or ENG 3060: Women and Writing (Fall 2014, Jones)