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CLAR 2110: Greek Archaeology

How to find books, articles, maps, images, etc. relating to Greek archaeology. The Guide is also relevant for 3000-level courses.

ARTstor and Flickr

Artstor logoArtstor is an online repository of more than a million digital images relating to art history, covering a wide range of time periods and cultures. This is the major database for images of art objects. Thumbnail images from Artstor are included in ArticlesPlus, with links to the full records in Artstor itself.

There are a number of videos on Youtube which can help you learn to use ARTstor effectively.

Flicker logoFlickr is a vast photo-sharing site. You can search the whole site and/or explore some of the sections listed below (originally posted at AWOL: the Ancient World Online) which are devoted explicity to the ancient world.

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